Issue Creation and Setup

Issue Creation

The following steps walk you through creating a new issue in InEight Change.

Step by Step — Create a new issue

You can create a new issue from the New Issue page or the Issue log.

  1. From the New issue page or the issue log, click the Add issue icon. The Add new issue dialog box opens.

  2. Enter the issue name and issue start date. You can also optionally enter a description of the issue.

  3. You can do one of the following:

    • If workflow is not configured, click Add.

    • If workflow is configured, click Submit for approval.

If approval is not configured or if you are the first approver in the workflow, the issue is added to the New issue page and the Issue log with an issue ID assigned, and an issue status of New.

How the Issue ID, Issue status, and Issue approval status of a new issue are assigned depends on whether workflow is configured.

  • When workflow is not configured, the issue is added to the New issue page and the Issue log with an issue ID assigned. The issue status is New, and the issue approval status is Not applicable.

  • When workflow is configured and the person who created the issues is also the first approver in the workflow, the issue is automatically approved for the first step. The issue is added to the New issue page and the issue log with an issue ID assigned and an issue status of New. The issue approval status is Approved. When you hover over the issue approval status, it shows that it has been approved for the first step and is in step 2, if there is a step 2.

  • When workflow is configured and the person who created the issue is not the first approver in the workflow, the first approver (either a person or a role) receives an email letting them know there is an issue to be approved. The issue is added to the New Issue page with an issue ID of Pending, an issue status of New, and an issue approval status of In approval. The issue is not added to the issue log until it has gone through all the approval steps.

  • When issues have been rejected in workflow, they show in the New Issue log with the Issue ID Rejected, so they can be quickly identified. Rejected issues are disabled, so you can no longer see the issues. InEight recommends using the Comments section in the workflow to describe the issue and the reason it was rejected.

When the issue is in workflow, Change allows you to add supporting documents and edit fields that might help the reviewers in making approval decisions. To open the pending issue, click the Pending link in the Issue ID column of the New issue log. The Issue Details page opens, and you can then edit any field that is enabled. You can also go to the Supporting documents tab to add documents.

You can also import issues from a template. See "Issue Import" for information about importing issues.

Contract users can also add an issue from a VCO in Contract. If a new issue approval workflow is configured, the issue automatically goes to the New Issue log with an Issue ID of Pending. It does not get an issue ID until it is approved.

Issue Header

When you click on an issue’s ID or name, the issue’s record page opens. At the top of the page, a header section provides workflow and status information that you can update during the issue’s lifecycle.

Cost, markup, and markup percent pricing breakdown

The Issue, PCO, and CCO shows the breakdowns of cost, billing markup, markup, markup percent, and deduction fields. This gives you the visibility into the profit you are making on an issue or change.

The Cost is the total of all priced items. The Billing markup is the markup based on the resource billing rates. The Markup is the total of all markups from the cost item, Pricing tab, PCO, and CCO. The Markup %is the markup divided by the cost. Deductions come from the cost item pricing tab and are subtracted from the current value. Current value is costs plus markups minus deductions.

Status information

The status information lets you see issue status information at a glance. The statuses include the following:

  • Issue status

  • Pricing status

  • Proposal status

Issue Status

The Issue Status drop-down menu is used to indicate the status of the issue. The following are examples of statuses you can assign. Your organization or project might have configured custom statuses.:

  • In Review – The issue is currently being reviewed.

  • PCO – The issue is now connected to a Potential Change Order.

  • CCO – The issue now converted to a Client Change Order.

  • Parked – The issue is no longer active but may be brought up again later. When selected, all fields within the issue become locked.

  • Dropped – The issue is no longer being considered. When selected, all fields within the issue become locked.

  • Dispute – The issue is under dispute.

  • Closed - The issue is closed. You cannot split a closed issue or associate it to a Potential Change Order (PCO) or Client Change Order (CCO).

Changes made to Issue status will cause a window to appear where you can add notes related to the assignment you are making. Notes are not mandatory to save the change but canceling the window will cause the Issue status to revert to the previous state.

Pricing Status

You can select the Pricing status drop-down menu to classify where you are in the process of pricing the issue. Options include:

  • Complete

  • Not Started

  • In Process

  • Audit Review

  • Complete

When changing the Pricing status, you are prompted to record notes just like you were when changing the other statuses.

Proposal Status

Select the Proposal status drop-down menu to classify the proposal status of the issue. Options include:

  • Not started

  • In negotiation

  • Submitted by sub

  • Accepted by Contractor

  • Submitted to client

  • Accepted by client

  • Rejected

When changing the Proposal status, you are prompted to record notes just like you were when changing the other statuses.

Delete an issue

You can delete issues from the Issue log that were entered in error or are no longer valid. The issues must meet certain criteria based on their status, PCO or CCO association, and origin.

You can delete an issue if it meets the following criteria:

  • The issue must have been created in Change or added via an API. Issues that originate from another InEight product, such as Plan, Progress, Compliance, Contract, or Document cannot be deleted.

  • The issue must have a status of New, Parked, Dropped, or a custom status.

  • The issue cannot be associated with a PCO, CCO, or budget move.

  • The issue cannot be a main issue.

If you delete the issue with the highest number, the next issue created will take that number. If you delete an issue with a number in the middle of the list, that number is not used again.

To delete issues, select one or more issues from the Issue log, and then click the Delete icon. You must have the permission Delete issues.